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TinyMUSH/Mac Update Bulletin #2

Hello, everyone!

Great news is upon us -- well, those who use TinyMUSH/Mac, anyway. A new domain, a FAQ list, a substantial upgrade (0.6.0b1), and the promise of more to come.

This is the second update bulletin, sent to those who have sent me mail regarding TinyMUSH/Mac. There is no mailbot involved. If you don't want to receive the bulletins, tell me so.

New Domain

The domain name is in: Please address mail to <> and visit <> for TinyMUSH/Mac information. This domain may be considered permanent.

FAQ Answers

The brand new FAQ list is at <>. Don't ask questions -- check it out!

TinyMUSH/Mac 0.6.0b1

This not-so-new release is a major upgrade over previous versions. Read the release notes <> and download it if you haven't already!

This version is the most stable release ever -- I have yet to receive any bug reports. (Although the 'user error' count is on the rise -- time to improve the documentation.) :-)

The Next Release

I'm enhancing Game Wiz. (If you don't know what that is, read the 0.6.0b1 release notes like I told you to!) :-) When you next see it, it will support Program Linking for remote control of Netmush (over AppleTalk), as well as multiple, simultaneous MUSH servers on the same host. Who knows, we might even see a Do Script event...

Credit Where Credit is Due

In the first bulletin I offered to credit in the documentation those who reported bugs. I am still going to do this. If you think you've been left out when this happens (or you just want to give me a little nudge now), please let me know.

Keep those comments coming!


Last updated October 17, 2000 by Josh Juran with mml2html
Metamage Labs